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2008.03.16. 13:47 Little Red Riding Hood

Reported speech összefoglalás

English Grammar - Reported speech


1) If the sentence starts in the present, there is no backshift of tenses in Reported speech.
Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan says that she works in an office.

2) If the sentence starts in the past, there is often backshift of tenses in Reported speech. (see: Note)
Example: Susan: "I work in an office." Susan said that she worked in an office.

Backshift of tenses



Simple Present

Simple Past

Simple Past

Past Perfect

Present Perfect

Past Perfect



Progressive forms




had been

has been

had been



Backshift of tenses



Peter: "I work in the garden."

Peter said that he worked in the garden.

Peter: "I worked in the garden."

Peter said that he had worked in the garden.

Peter: "I have worked in the garden."

Peter: "I had worked in the garden."

Peter: "I will work in the garden."

Peter said that he would work in the garden.

Peter: "I can work in the garden."

Peter said that he could work in the garden.

Peter: "I may work in the garden."

Peter said that he might work in the garden.

Peter: "I would work in the garden."
(could, might, should, ought to)

Peter: "I would work in the garden."
(could, might, should, ought to)

Progressive forms

Peter: "I'm working in the garden."

Peter said that he was working in the garden.

Peter: "I was working in the garden."

Peter said that he had been working in the garden.

Peter: "I have been working in the garden."

Peter: "I had been working in the garden."

If the sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it as well.

Peter: "I worked in the garden yesterday."
Peter said that he had worked in the garden the day before.

this (evening)

that (evening)

today/this day

that day

these (days)

those (days)



(a week) ago

(a week) before

last weekend

the weekend before / the previous weekend



next (week)

the following (week)


the next/following day

In some cases the backshift of tenses is not necessary, e.g. when statements are still true.

John: "My brother is at Leipzig university."
John said that his brother was at Leipzig university. or
John said that his brother is at Leipzig university.


Mandy: "The sun rises in the East."
Mandy said that the sun rose in the East. or
Mandy said that the sun rises in the East.

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