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2007.10.14. 13:59 Little Red Riding Hood

Vocabulary related to work / Munkához kapcsolódó szavak

Timár Eszter: Words, words, words c. könyvéből

work – uncountable, job – countable
What do you do? / What’s your job/preofession?
I’m a lawyer.
place of work (office)

The people you work with

emplyer (munkáltató), employee (munkavállaló, alkalmazott), colleagues, workmates, staff (alkalmazottállomány), a member of staff, a staff of 150, (immediate) boss (főnök) / superior (felettes), subordinate (alárendelt, beosztott)

The money you earn

pay, payment, salary, wages, bonus (külön juttatás, prémium), sick pay, allowance (juttatás, tartásdíj, rendszeres pénzsegély, támogatás, zsebpénz), work/do overtime, paid/unpaid overtime, overtime payment/pay on overtime

 allowance: an amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special purpose
The perks of the job include a generous travel allowance.
I couldn't have managed at college if I hadn't had an allowance from my parents.

Supplementary / fringe benefits (perks)

luncheon voucher, free mobile phone, company car, free gym, holiday home

Personal and moral benefits

decent, valuable, weel-paid, purposeful, dream, ideal, creative, innovative, rewarding, satisfying, challanging, professional development, in-service training, (= on-the-job), to be / to get promoted (előléptetik), promotion (előléptetés), motivation, intellectual challange, team spirit, co-operating colleagues, good/bad working conditions, pleasant atmosphere

job satisfaction: the feeling of pleasure and achievement which you experience in your job when you know that your work is worth doing, or the degree to which your work gives you this feeling
Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in earning large amounts of money.

rewarding: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well
in-service: happening during your time at work
Instead of sending employees away on courses, the company relies on in-service training.

The work hours

an 8-hour working day, a 40-hour wroking-week, part-time / full-time job/work, flexitime work, nine-to-five job, to work nights / weekends, to have a permanent / temporary job, to do shiftwork, night shift (work on the night/day shift – éjszakai/nappali műszakban dolgozni), to do/work overtime, to work late, to work around the clock, to moonlight

moonlight: to have a second job in addition to your main job, especially without the knowledge of the government tax department:
She's been moonlighting as a waitress in the evenings.

The type of work you do

to be self-emplyed, entrepreneur (vállalkozó), freelance (szabadúszó, alkalmi munkákat vállaló), to freelance, to be a freelancer, a freelance journalist, to work from home, manual / physical / blue-collar work(er), skilled (szakképzett), semi-skilled, unskilled, white-collar work(er) / professional work
domestic, community, social, administrative, office, managerial (igazgatói, igazgatási), commercial, agricultural, researc (kutatói), scientific, academic, men’s / women’s work

Problems at work

For the employer: absenteeism, lateness, high turnover of staff (fluktuáció), low staff morale (munkamorál), low productivity (termelékenység), poor / careless work, no team spirit, no loyalty to the company, workshy (lusta) employees, going on strike, worker’s complaint, holding a sit-in
For the employees: low/poor pay, low job satisfaction, monotonous, repetitive, mechanical, hard, demanding (nagy energiabefektetést igénylő), difficult, stressful, tiring, tough, boring, dirty, illegal employment, underage employment, moonlighting (illegálisan/engedély nélkül végzett kiegészítő munka)

turnover: the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
Low pay accounts for the
high turnover.
sit-in: to go as a group into a public building and refuse to leave or to allow normal activities to continue there until a situation that you are complaining about is changed

Words related to work in general

to make a living, to make ends meet, to be the breadwinner in the family, to be employed, to go out to work, to go to / start / finish / do work, to be at work, to be off work, to be on leave, to give up work / a job

living: the way that you earn money or the money that you earn:
What do you
do for a living? (=what do you do as a job?)
It's hard to make a decent living as a musician. (megélni)

Words related to finding / getting a job

to be a job seeker, to look for information about job vacancies, to read job advertisements, to apply for a job (application), to go for a job interview, to be qualified for a job (qualification), to be the right person for the job, to be taken on / hired, to fill a vacancy, to find a job/work

Words related to losing a job

to be dismissed (dismissal), to be thrown out, to be sacked or fired, to get the sack (informal), to be made redundant, job cuts (leépítések), to lose a job / work, to be out of work / unemployed, jobless, retire, retirement, to take early retirement, to leave

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