Timár Eszter: Words, words, words c. könyvéből
work – uncountable, job – countable
What do you do? / What’s your job/preofession?
I’m a lawyer.
place of work (office)
emplyer (munkáltató), employee (munkavállaló, alkalmazott), colleagues, workmates, staff (alkalmazottállomány), a member of staff, a staff of 150, (immediate) boss (főnök) / superior (felettes), subordinate (alárendelt, beosztott)
pay, payment, salary, wages, bonus (külön juttatás, prémium), sick pay, allowance (juttatás, tartásdíj, rendszeres pénzsegély, támogatás, zsebpénz), work/do overtime, paid/unpaid overtime, overtime payment/pay on overtime
The perks of the job include a generous travel allowance.
I couldn't have managed at college if I hadn't had an allowance from my parents.
luncheon voucher, free mobile phone, company car, free gym, holiday home
Personal and moral benefits
decent, valuable, weel-paid, purposeful, dream, ideal, creative, innovative, rewarding, satisfying, challanging, professional development, in-service training, (= on-the-job), to be / to get promoted (előléptetik), promotion (előléptetés), motivation, intellectual challange, team spirit, co-operating colleagues, good/bad working conditions, pleasant atmosphere
Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in earning large amounts of money.
rewarding: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well
in-service: happening during your time at work
Instead of sending employees away on courses, the company relies on in-service training.
an 8-hour working day, a 40-hour wroking-week, part-time / full-time job/work, flexitime work, nine-to-five job, to work nights / weekends, to have a permanent / temporary job, to do shiftwork, night shift (work on the night/day shift – éjszakai/nappali műszakban dolgozni), to do/work overtime, to work late, to work around the clock, to moonlight
moonlight: to have a second job in addition to your main job, especially without the knowledge of the government tax department:
She's been moonlighting as a waitress in the evenings.
to be self-emplyed, entrepreneur (vállalkozó), freelance (szabadúszó, alkalmi munkákat vállaló), to freelance, to be a freelancer, a freelance journalist, to work from home, manual / physical / blue-collar work(er), skilled (szakképzett), semi-skilled, unskilled, white-collar work(er) / professional work
domestic, community, social, administrative, office, managerial (igazgatói, igazgatási), commercial, agricultural, researc (kutatói), scientific, academic, men’s / women’s work
Problems at work
For the employer: absenteeism, lateness, high turnover of staff (fluktuáció), low staff morale (munkamorál), low productivity (termelékenység), poor / careless work, no team spirit, no loyalty to the company, workshy (lusta) employees, going on strike, worker’s complaint, holding a sit-in
For the employees: low/poor pay, low job satisfaction, monotonous, repetitive, mechanical, hard, demanding (nagy energiabefektetést igénylő), difficult, stressful, tiring, tough, boring, dirty, illegal employment, underage employment, moonlighting (illegálisan/engedély nélkül végzett kiegészítő munka)
turnover: the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
Low pay accounts for the high turnover.
sit-in: to go as a group into a public building and refuse to leave or to allow normal activities to continue there until a situation that you are complaining about is changed
to make a living, to make ends meet, to be the breadwinner in the family, to be employed, to go out to work, to go to / start / finish / do work, to be at work, to be off work, to be on leave, to give up work / a job
living: the way that you earn money or the money that you earn:
What do you do for a living? (=what do you do as a job?)
It's hard to make a decent living as a musician. (megélni)
to be a job seeker, to look for information about job vacancies, to read job advertisements, to apply for a job (application), to go for a job interview, to be qualified for a job (qualification), to be the right person for the job, to be taken on / hired, to fill a vacancy, to find a job/work
Words related to losing a job
to be dismissed (dismissal), to be thrown out, to be sacked or fired, to get the sack (informal), to be made redundant, job cuts (leépítések), to lose a job / work, to be out of work / unemployed, jobless, retire, retirement, to take early retirement, to leave
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