
Angol nyelvtan mindenkinek! (Főleg nekem.) Lényeg, hogy ha könnyen, gyorsan akarsz angolul tanulni, akkor tanulj úgy! A blogomhoz felhasználom Balaskó Attila Angol nyelvtan mindenkinek c. kiváló könyvét. Nem lehet könyvesboltokban kapni, a Jézuska hozza. Szóval tanuljatok szorgalmasan!

2007.09.19. 01:31 Little Red Riding Hood

Past Continuous házi megoldás

    Mr Lee's office is in the City of London. It is not far from Tower Bridge. It's on the fifth floor of a modern buliding.
    On Friday morning Mr Lee wasn't in his office. He was in another architect's office. Only his secretary and his typist were in his office. They weren't working, because Mr Lee, their boss, wasn't in.
    The typist was sitting at a small table. There was a typewriter on the table, but she wasn't typing. She was cutting her nails. There were two large windows in the room. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. The windows were open. Between the windows there was a bookcase with a lot of books. The secratary was standing near the books. He was holding a book in his hand but he wasn't reading. He was looking out of the window. After a few minutes the secretary put the book back, and went to his desk. He sat down and put his feet on the desk. He took a newspaper from the desk and began to read.
    The typist stopped cutting her nails, looked at her fingers and got up. She went to the window and looked out.
    The secretary was reading and the typist was looking out of the window when the telephone rang. The telephone was on his desk but he didn't stop reading and he didn't lift the receiver. The telephone was ringing, she was looking out of the window and he was reading. Nothing happened. At last he said to her,"Answer the phone please." She didn't even turn around. "It's on your desk," she said sleepily.He asked her again to answer the phone. "I must read this newspaper", he said. "Oh must you really?" she said. "All right." She went to the phone and lifted the receiver.
 - It didn't hurt, did it? - said the voice from the phone.

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